Хелависа - The Song of Wandering Aengus
Песня Хелависы "The Song of Wandering Aengus" с аккордами и аппликатурами для гитары и укулеле.

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Cm •
C♯m •
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Am •
Bm •
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Intro: Em Em/G Em Em/G C Hm Em C I went out to the hazel wood, D Em Because а fire was in my head, C And cut and peeled а hazel wand, D Em And hooked а berry to а thread; D G And when white moths were on the wing, C Am And moths-like stars were flickering our, Em H D C I dropped the berry in а stream Hm Em And caught а little silver trout. When I had laid it on the floor I went to blow the fire aflame, But something rustled on the floor, And some one called me by my name: It had become а glimmering girl With apple blossom in her head Who called me by my name and ran And faded through the brightening air. Though I am old with wandering Through hollow lands and hilly lands, I will find out where she has gone, And kiss her lips and take her hands; D G And walk among long dappled grass, C Am A And pluck till time and times are done Em H D A C The silver apples of the moon, Hm Em The golden apples of the sun.
Качество подбора: нормальное, просмотров за неделю: 104, оригинальная тональность: am.
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NUM4 - проиграть предыдущий аккорд, NUM5 - текущий, NUM6 - следующий.
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Специальные клавиши:
NUM4 - проиграть предыдущий аккорд, NUM5 - текущий, NUM6 - следующий.
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Панель подсказки аккордов
Режим: изучения | исполненияподсказывать порядок аккордов в тексте
Порядок аккордов по строкам:
Em | Em/G | Em | Em/G | C | Hmскрыть
Em | Cскрыть
D | Emскрыть
D | Emскрыть
D | Gскрыть
C | Amскрыть
Em | H | D | Cскрыть
Hm | Emскрыть
D | Gскрыть
C | Am | Aскрыть
Em | H | D | A | Cскрыть
Hm | Emскрыть
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- The Song of Wandering Aengus
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