Хелависа - Running to Paradise
Песня Хелависы "Running to Paradise" с аккордами и аппликатурами для гитары и укулеле.
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Em Bm As I came over Windy Gap D Am They threw а halfpenny into my cap, G C D For I am running to Paradise; G D And all that I need do is to wish Am C And somebody puts his hand into dish Em Bm To throw me а bit of salted fish: D Em And there the king is but as the beggar. My brother Mourteen is worn out In skelping his big brawling lout, And I am running to Paradise; A poor life, do what he can, And though he keep а dog and а gun, A serving-maid and а serving-man: And there the king is but as the beggar. Poor men have grown to be rich men, And rich men grown to be poor again, And I am running to Paradise; And many а darling wit"s grown dull That tossed а bare heel when at school Now it has filled an old sock full: And there the king is but as the beggar. The wind is old and still at play While I must hurry upon my way, For I am running to Paradise; Yet never have I lit on а friend To take my fancy like the wind That nobody can buy or bind: And there the king is but as the beggar.
Качество подбора: нормальное, просмотров за неделю: 136, оригинальная тональность: em.
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Специальные клавиши:
NUM4 - проиграть предыдущий аккорд, NUM5 - текущий, NUM6 - следующий.
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Порядок аккордов по строкам:
Em | Bmскрыть
D | Amскрыть
G | C | Dскрыть
G | Dскрыть
Am | Cскрыть
Em | Bmскрыть
D | Emскрыть
Другие песни Хелависы
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- Beren"s Song
- Legolas's Song
- Nimrodel
- Rolling Down the Hole
- Running to Paradise
- The Black Tower
- The Host of the Air
- The Hosting of the Sidhe
- The Lullaby
- The Song of Wandering Aengus
- The unappeasable host
- The Withering of the Boughs