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Рыбак Александр - Funny little world

Песня Александра Рыбака "Funny little world" с аккордами и аппликатурами для гитары и укулеле.

Выбрать тональность (транспонирование): CmC♯mDmD♯mEmFmF♯mGmG♯mAmBmHm
При клике на аккорд он зазвучит! Настройки звукоизвлечения и темпа - ниже в караоке-плеере.
Intro: F | Dm Dm7 | A# A#add9 | C7sus4

F            Dm Dm7
Suddenly I"m famous,
    A#      A#add9   C7
And people know my name.
           F                   Dm
I"ve got а thousand girls just waiting,
    A#         A#6     A
And therefore it"s а shame.
     Dm                Am
That my heart has been captured
        A#            A#m
By your funny little smile.
    F            D7/H
And finally, I"m happy,
   Gsus2 Gm   Csus4  C
If only for а while.

F              Dm
People call me stupid,
    Gm7                 C7
For treating you like а queen.
    F            Dm
But I don"t even worry,
       Gm7             A
"Cause you"re my unforeseen.
      Dm                  Am
And I hope that you"ll be with me,
   Gm7        A#m
If only in my dreams.
    F                 D7/H
But here you are next to me,
           Gm             Csus4  C
And you"re glad, or so it seems.

         F       Am       Gm7
     And I don"t know for shure
           Csus4   C
     Where this is going.
     F       Am       Gm7       Csus4  C
     Still I hope for more, and more.
            F         Am        Gm7
     "Cause who would know that you
           Csus4    C      Dm7
     Would treat me like а boy,
           Am               Gm7
     And I treat you like а girl,
             Am           F
     In this funny little world.

Instrumental: F | Am7 | Gm7 | Csus4 C  } 2 times

Don"t promise me for ever,
Just love me day by day.
No one knows the future,
We"re young, but that"s ОK.
"Cause you"ll allways be а part of me,
Whatever life will bring.
And people have to bear with you,
This silly song I sing.

Your boyfriends might be angry,
My girlfriends might be blue.
But no one can deny it,
From now on I love you.
And I have to say it"s new to me,
This feeling in my heart.
Guess I"ve been kind of lonely,
And you"ve been kind of smart.

     And I don"t know for shure
     Where this is going.
     Still I hope for more, and more.
     "Cause who would know that you
     Would treat me like а boy,
     And I treat you like а girl,
             Csus4 C      F
     In this funny little world.

Instrumental: F | Am7 | Gm7 | Csus4 C
              Dm7 | Am7 | Gm7 | Csus4 C

     And I don"t know for shure
     Where this is going.
     Still I hope for more, and more.
     "Cause who would know that you
     Would treat me like а boy,
     And I treat you like а girl,
             Csus4 C      Dm7    Am7 Gm7
     In this funny little world.
          Csus4 C      F
     This funny little world.
Качество подбора: нормальное, просмотров за неделю: 166, оригинальная тональность: em.
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Панель подсказки аккордов

Режим: изучения | исполнения

подсказывать порядок аккордов в тексте

Порядок аккордов по строкам:

F | Dm | Dm7 | A# | A#add9 | C7sus4скрыть
F | Dm | Dm7скрыть
A# | A#add9 | C7скрыть
F | Dmскрыть
A# | A#6 | Aскрыть
Dm | Amскрыть
A# | A#mскрыть
F | D7/Hскрыть
Gsus2 | Gm | Csus4 | Cскрыть

F | Dmскрыть
Gm7 | C7скрыть
F | Dmскрыть
Gm7 | Aскрыть
Dm | Amскрыть
Gm7 | A#mскрыть
F | D7/Hскрыть
Gm | Csus4 | Cскрыть

F | Am | Gm7скрыть
Csus4 | Cскрыть
F | Am | Gm7 | Csus4 | Cскрыть
F | Am | Gm7скрыть
Csus4 | C | Dm7скрыть
Am | Gm7скрыть
Am | Fскрыть

F | Am7 | Gm7 | Csus4 | Cскрыть

Csus4 | C | Fскрыть

F | Am7 | Gm7 | Csus4 | Cскрыть
Dm7 | Am7 | Gm7 | Csus4 | Cскрыть

Csus4 | C | Dm7 | Am7 | Gm7скрыть
Csus4 | C | Fскрыть

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