Наив - Biker Ballad
Песня Найва "Biker Ballad" с аккордами и аппликатурами для гитары и укулеле.

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Hm G Down а tunnel, in а tube A F# On the road, knocked down and bruised Hm G Some man laid with blood in hair D F# And beside him was а bear. But this bear was а man Red-neck biker from some clan I was really scared and pissed But the creature only hissed: Hm F# Hm Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! F# Don"t touch it! A F# Hm Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! A It"s the only thing I like! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! It"s the only thing I like! I said: Sir, what have you done? Take а look at what"s going on Why kill а man for touching your bike? After all, it"s just а hype Hype it is! - Was the reply - Kiss your ass and say goodbuy! He pulled out his killer gun I got blue and turned round to run Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! Don"t touch it! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! It"s the only thing I like! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! It"s the only thing I like! But I did not run away I was smarter in а way Took the road to the country side Down to red-flagged farming sites "Rent а tractor" - the sign read Want them all! - That"s what I said Paid my bill and went to а pub Where drunkards had their fun Hey, you boys, you wanna ride? Gotta а fag, who pushed you pride! Got "em wheels? Sure I do! And the biker paid his due... Don"t touch it! Don"t touch it! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! It"s the only thing I like! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! Don"t touch it! Don"t touch it! Don"t you touch my bike! It"s the only thing I like!
Качество подбора: нормальное, просмотров за неделю: 165, оригинальная тональность: am.
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NUM4 - проиграть предыдущий аккорд, NUM5 - текущий, NUM6 - следующий.
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Порядок аккордов по строкам:
Hm | Gскрыть
A | F#скрыть
Hm | Gскрыть
D | F#скрыть
Hm | F# | Hmскрыть
A | F# | Hmскрыть
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