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Из кинофильмов - Lava

Песня Из кинофильмов "Lava" с аккордами и аппликатурами для гитары и укулеле.

Выбрать тональность (транспонирование): CC♯DD♯EFF♯GG♯ABH
При клике на аккорд он зазвучит! Настройки звукоизвлечения и темпа - ниже в караоке-плеере.
А long long time ago 
There was а volcano 
 D#                A#             F7
Living all alone in the middle of the sea 
He sat high above on his bay 
Watching all the couples play 
  D#                A#             F7
And wishing that he had someone too 
  A# F 
And from his lava came this song of hope 
That he sang out loud 
  A# F7
Everyday for years and years 
  D#                 A#
I have а dream I hope will come true 
 F                            A#             A#7
That you're here with me and I'm here with you 
 D# A# 
I wish that the earth sea the sky up above 
 D#           F7           A#
Will send me someone to lava 
  A# F
Years of singing all alone turned his lava into stone 
  D# A# F7
Until he was on the brink of extinction 
 A# F
But little did he know that living in the sea below 
 D# A# F7
Another volcano was listening to his song 
 A# F
Everyday she heard his tune her lava grew and grew 
 D# A# F7
Because she believed that someone's meant for her 
 A# F
Now she was so ready to meet him above the sea 
 D# A# F7
As he sang his song of hope for the last time 
 D# A#
I have а dream I hope will come true 
  F                 A#                   A#7
That you're here with me and I'm here with you 
  D# A# 
I wish that the earth sea the sky up above 
  D#         F7           A#
Will send me someone to lava 
 A# F
Rising from the sea below stood а lovely volcano 
 D# A# F7
Looking all around but she could not see him 
He tried to sing to let her know 
That she was not there alone 
 D# A# F7
But with no lava his song was so gone 
He filled the sea with his tears 
And watched his dreams disappear 
 D# A# F7
As she remembered what his song meant to her 
 D# A#
I have а dream I hope will come true 
 F                           A#            A#7
That you're here with me and I'm here with you 
 D# A# 
I wish that the earth sea the sky up above 
 D# F7 A#
Will send me someone to lava 
Oh they were so happy 
To finally meet above the sea 
 D# A# F7
All together now their lava grew and grew 
 A# F
The longer are they all alone with aloha as their new home 
 D# A# F7
And when you visit them this is what they sing 
 D# A#
I have а dream I hope will come true 
 F                              A#                A#7
That you'll grow old with me and I'll grow old with you 
 D# A#
We thank the earth sea the sky we've been to 
 D# F A#
I lava you 
 D# F A#
I lava you 
 D# F7 A#
I lava you
Качество подбора: нормальное, просмотров за неделю: 1009, оригинальная тональность: c.
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Гитарное караоке
Темп: , звукоизвлечение:,
Это проигрыватель аккордов. Пойте под гитару.. без гитары!
Специальные клавиши:
NUM4 - проиграть предыдущий аккорд, NUM5 - текущий, NUM6 - следующий.
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Панель подсказки аккордов

Режим: изучения | исполнения

подсказывать порядок аккордов в тексте

Порядок аккордов по строкам:

D# | A# | F7скрыть
D# | A# | F7скрыть
A# | Fскрыть
A# | F7скрыть

D# | A#скрыть
F | A# | A#7скрыть
D# | A#скрыть
D# | F7 | A#скрыть

A# | Fскрыть
D# | A# | F7скрыть
A# | Fскрыть
D# | A# | F7скрыть
A# | Fскрыть
D# | A# | F7скрыть
A# | Fскрыть
D# | A# | F7скрыть

D# | A#скрыть
F | A# | A#7скрыть
D# | A#скрыть
D# | F7 | A#скрыть

A# | Fскрыть
D# | A# | F7скрыть
D# | A# | F7скрыть
D# | A# | F7скрыть

D# | A#скрыть
F | A# | A#7скрыть
D# | A#скрыть
D# | F7 | A#скрыть

D# | A# | F7скрыть
A# | Fскрыть
D# | A# | F7скрыть

D# | A#скрыть
F | A# | A#7скрыть
D# | A#скрыть
D# | F | A#скрыть
D# | F | A#скрыть
D# | F7 | A#скрыть

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