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Христианские песни - Grace, Just Hold Me In Your Arms

Песня Христианские "Grace, Just Hold Me In Your Arms" с аккордами и аппликатурами для гитары и укулеле.

Выбрать тональность (транспонирование): CmC♯mDmD♯mEmFmF♯mGmG♯mAmBmHm
При клике на аккорд он зазвучит! Настройки звукоизвлечения и темпа - ниже в караоке-плеере.
Capo 3 

1. C#  F#  G#
As we gather in the chapel here, in old Kilmainham jail, 
F#  C#  D#  G#
I think about these past few weeks, oh, will they say we failed, 
C#  F#  G#
From our school days they have told us we must yearn for liberty,
F#  C#  A#m  G#  C# 
But all I want in this dark place is to have you here with me. 
G#  F#  C#  
Оh, Grace, just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger, 
F#  C#  G#  G#7
They’ll take me out at dawn and I will die    
G#  F#  C#
With all my love I place this wedding ring upon your finger, 
F#  C#  A#m  G#  C#
There won’t be time to share our love, for we must say goodbye. 
2. C#  F#  G# 
Now, I know it's hard for you, my love, to ever understand, 
F#  C#  D#  G#
The love I bear for these brave men, -  my love for this dear land 
C#  F#  G#
But when Padraic called me to his side down in the C#.Р.О., 
F#  C#  A#m  G#  C#
I had to leave my own sick bed, to him I had to go.   

3. C#  F#  G#
Now as the dawn is breaking, my heart is breaking, too, 
F#  C#  D#  G#
on this May morn as I walk out, my thoughts will be of you. 
C#  F#  G#
And I'll write some words upon the wall, so everyone will know, 
F#  C#  A#m  G#  C#
I loved so much that I could see his blood upon the rose.        
G#  F#  C#
Оh, Grace, just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger, 
F#  C#  G#  G#7
They’ll take me out at dawn and I will die.
G#  F#  C#                             
With all my love I place this wedding ring upon your finger, 
F#  C#  A#m  G#  C#
There won’t be time to share our love, for we must say goodbye.  
F#  C#  A#m  G#  F#  C#
Оh, there won’t be time to share our love, for we must say good bye
Качество подбора: нормальное, просмотров за неделю: 210, оригинальная тональность: em.
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Гитарное караоке
Темп: , звукоизвлечение:,
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Специальные клавиши:
NUM4 - проиграть предыдущий аккорд, NUM5 - текущий, NUM6 - следующий.
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Панель подсказки аккордов

Режим: изучения | исполнения

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Порядок аккордов по строкам:

C# | F# | G#скрыть
F# | C# | D# | G#скрыть
C# | F# | G#скрыть
F# | C# | A#m | G# | C#скрыть

G# | F# | C#скрыть
F# | C# | G# | G#7скрыть
G# | F# | C#скрыть
F# | C# | A#m | G# | C#скрыть

C# | F# | G#скрыть
F# | C# | D# | G#скрыть
C# | F# | G#скрыть
F# | C# | A#m | G# | C#скрыть

C# | F# | G#скрыть
F# | C# | D# | G#скрыть
C# | F# | G#скрыть
F# | C# | A#m | G# | C#скрыть

G# | F# | C#скрыть
F# | C# | G# | G#7скрыть
G# | F# | C#скрыть
F# | C# | A#m | G# | C#скрыть
F# | C# | A#m | G# | F# | C#скрыть

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