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Христианские песни - Christ In Us, Our Hope of Glory

Песня Христианские "Christ In Us, Our Hope of Glory" с аккордами и аппликатурами для гитары и укулеле.

Выбрать тональность (транспонирование): CmC♯mDmD♯mEmFmF♯mGmG♯mAmBmHm
При клике на аккорд он зазвучит! Настройки звукоизвлечения и темпа - ниже в караоке-плеере.
Intro: C F G C F C F C Dm A# G  
               C              F
 We felt your word burning within us 
               C                         F
 Your word unlocked the hardness of our hearts 
       E7        Am              Em
 And opened our eyes that we may see You 
  Dm                   A#  Gsus4 G7
 Hidden in the broken bread 
           C             F
 Lord You laid down Your life 
      G               C
 as bread and wine we see 
         C             F
 Gave strength to our hearts 
      D7                 G
 and made us shout with glee 
         Am        F
 When we eat the bread 
      G               C
 and drink the cup of wine 
        Dm                 G
 We believe that Christ in us 
 is our hope of glory 
                 C      F
 You brought our ray of light 
            C          F
 And You rekindled our hope 
 E7           Am                      Em
 And led our hearts to yearn for Your love 
        Dm                  A# Gsus4 G7
 For in you is our hope of glory 
           C             F
 Lord You laid down Your life 
      G               C
 as bread and wine we see 
         C             F
 Gave strength to our hearts 
      D7                 G
 and made us shout with glee 
         Am        F
 When we eat the bread 
      G               C
 and drink the cup of wine 
        Dm                 G
 We believe that Christ in us 
 is our hope of glory 
              F   Em
 Through your own flesh 
          Dm G C
 Now made li----ving 
            F Em
 And by the spirit 
           Dm G C
 Made life gi----ving 
     Dm       F     Gsus4 G7
 You offered life to us 
              F     Em
 And as your sweat became 
      Dm G    C
 Like drops of blood 
         F    Em      Dm G C
 Falling down upon the ground 
      Dm          F       G
 You shared Your blood for us 
 Asus4 A7
           D              G
 Lord You laid down Your life 
      A                D
 as bread and wine we see 
         D             G
 Gave strength to our hearts 
      E7                 A
 and made us shout with glee 
         Hm        G
 When we eat the bread 
      A                D
 and drink the cup of wine 
        Em                 A
 We believe that Christ in us 
 is our hope of glory 
        Em                 A
 We believe that Christ in us 
 is our hope of glory
Качество подбора: нормальное, просмотров за неделю: 132, оригинальная тональность: dm.
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Панель подсказки аккордов

Режим: изучения | исполнения

подсказывать порядок аккордов в тексте

Порядок аккордов по строкам:

C | F | G | C | F | C | F | C | Dm | A# | Gскрыть
C | Fскрыть
C | Fскрыть
E7 | Am | Emскрыть
Dm | A# | Gsus4 | G7скрыть

C | Fскрыть
G | Cскрыть
C | Fскрыть
D7 | Gскрыть
Am | Fскрыть
G | Cскрыть
Dm | Gскрыть

C | Fскрыть
C | Fскрыть
E7 | Am | Emскрыть
Dm | A# | Gsus4 | G7скрыть

C | Fскрыть
G | Cскрыть
C | Fскрыть
D7 | Gскрыть
Am | Fскрыть
G | Cскрыть
Dm | Gскрыть

F | Emскрыть
Dm | G | Cскрыть
F | Emскрыть
Dm | G | Cскрыть
Dm | F | Gsus4 | G7скрыть
F | Emскрыть
Dm | G | Cскрыть
F | Em | Dm | G | Cскрыть
Dm | F | Gскрыть
Asus4 | A7скрыть

D | Gскрыть
A | Dскрыть
D | Gскрыть
E7 | Aскрыть
Hm | Gскрыть
A | Dскрыть
Em | Aскрыть
Em | Aскрыть

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