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A F#m E A Anarchy is а crime if it is out of dirt F#m E But this worst crime was sanctified by some balding quirk D E F#m D Too many generations strived for the anarchy E But their habitation looks like а mortuary Now I"m one of the happiest scum in the history Because I had nothing, nothing to do besides sniffing glue People in grey suits did it all for me! No matter if my anarchy comes from misery A F#m I GOT А REASON I GOT А REASON I GOT А REASON - to live! A E GOT А REASON GOT А REASON GOT А REASON - to give! A F#m GOT А REASON GOT А REASON GOT А REASON - to booze! D E Because that is - that"s what I chooze! I GOT А REASON I GOT А REASON I GOT А REASON - to lull! GOT NO REASON GOT NO REASON GOT NO REASON - to gull! GOT А REASON GOT А REASON GOT А REASON - to gawk! Because they need this bourgeois shock! Anarchy is а crime, do you know what I mean? But this worst crime was planned by them - by the whole regime Choruses of disapproval? - They are not for me! Our crazy leaders made my anarchy! I GOT А REASON I GOT А REASON I GOT А REASON - to rush! GOT NO REASON GOT NO REASON GOT NO REASON - to hush! GOT А REASON GOT А REASON GOT А REASON - to fuss! Because we"re all here for а muss! I GOT А REASON I GOT А REASON I GOT А REASON - to kick! GOT А REASON GOT А REASON GOT А REASON - to lick! GOT NO REASON GOT NO REASON GOT NO REASON - to screw! Because nobody wants to sue! D E F#m D People in grey suits did it all for me! E No matter if my anarchy comes from misery I got а reason got а reason got а reason to think I got а reason got а reason got а reason to stink Got no reason got no reason got no reason to clam Because my life is one big slam! I got а reason got а reason got а reason to spit Got no reason got no reason got no reason to split I got а reason got а reason got а reason to laze Because my life is one big haze! GOT А REASON GOT А REASON GOT А REASON - to cry GOT А REASON GOT А REASON GOT А REASON - to try GOT А REASON GOT А REASON GOT А REASON - to zoom! Because we"re all here for а doom!
Система читает подборы аккордов по строкам давай возможность разучивать их на слух. Перед названием аккорда произносится "аккорд". В качестве горячих клавиш используются NUM-клавиши: это дополнительный блок цифровых клавиш, обычно, справа на клавиатуре. Двойное нажатие - это быстрое нажатие одной и той же клавиши два раза подряд.