Меню: поиск песни, избранное, обычная версия
Проигрыватель mp3 песни:
воспроизвести / пауза (клавиша NUM8),
с начала (двойное нажатие NUM8)
Читалка подбора по строкам:
начать с начала (двойное нажатие NUM5),
предыдущая строка (клавиша NUM4),
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прослушать аппликатуру аккордов в текущей строке (клавиша NUM2)
Em Am It's а world of hashish laughter C D Em And а world of liquor tears Am It's а world of cocaine hopes C H And а world of acid fears G C There is so much that we share G C And it is time we are aware Am Em It's а small, small, small world war! C D Em It's а small war after all! C D Em It's а small war after all! C H Em It's а small war after all! C H Em C H Em It's а small war... We'll create another moon And we'll burn like golden sun For this world means hatred To everyone! And the mountains will devide And the oceans will get fried It's а small, small, small world war! It's а small war after all! It's а small war after all! It's а small war after all! It's а small war... C It's а small world for all of us... H It's а small world for all of us... C It's а small world for all of us... H It's а small world war! F#m Hm It's а world of hashish laughter D E F#m And а world of acid fears Hm It's а world of cocaine hopes D C# And а world of liquor tears A D There is so much that we share A D And it is time we are aware Hm F#m It's а small, small, small world war! D E F#m It's а small war after all! D E F#m It's а small war after all! D D# F#m It's а small war after all! D E F#m It is the last world war!!!
Система читает подборы аккордов по строкам давай возможность разучивать их на слух. Перед названием аккорда произносится "аккорд". В качестве горячих клавиш используются NUM-клавиши: это дополнительный блок цифровых клавиш, обычно, справа на клавиатуре. Двойное нажатие - это быстрое нажатие одной и той же клавиши два раза подряд.